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The manifest.json is generated at build-time based on files in the entrypoints/ directory and wxt.config.ts.


While entrypoints are generated and added to the manifest at build-time, you can customize or add to your manifest.json in the config file.

// wxt.config.ts entrypoint of your extension
import { defineConfig } from 'wxt';

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    host_permissions: ['*://*'],
    content_security_policy: {
      // ...


If not provided via the manifest config, the manifest's name defaults to your package.json's name property.

version and version_name

The manifest's version and version_name properties are based on the version field listed in your package.json or wxt.config.ts.

  • version_name is the exact string listed in your package.json or wxt.config.ts file
  • version is the string cleaned up, with any invalid suffixes removed

If a version is not found, a warning is logged and the version defaults to "0.0.0".


// package.json
  "version": "1.3.0-alpha2"
// .output/<dir>/manifest.json
  "version": "1.3.0",
  "version_name": "1.3.0-alpha2"


By default, WXT will discover icons in your public directory and use them for the manifest's icons.

├─ icon-16.png
├─ icon-24.png
├─ icon-48.png
├─ icon-96.png
└─ icon-128.png

Icon files need to match the following regex to be automatically included in the manifest. Most design software can output icons in one of these formats

const iconRegex = [
  /^icon-([0-9]+)\.png$/,                 // icon-16.png
  /^icon-([0-9]+)x[0-9]+\.png$/,          // icon-16x16.png
  /^icon@([0-9]+)w\.png$/,                // icon@16w.png
  /^icon@([0-9]+)h\.png$/,                // icon@16h.png
  /^icon@([0-9]+)\.png$/,                 // icon@16.png
  /^icons?[\/\\]([0-9]+)\.png$/,          // icon/16.png | icons/16.png
  /^icons?[\/\\]([0-9]+)x[0-9]+\.png$/,   // icon/16x16.png | icons/16x16.png

If you prefer to use filenames in a different format, you can add the icons manually in your wxt.config.ts file:

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    icons: {
      16: '/extension-icon-16.png',
      24: '/extension-icon-24.png',
      48: '/extension-icon-48.png',
      96: '/extension-icon-96.png',
      128: '/extension-icon-128.png',


Permissions must be listed in the manifest config.

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    permissions: ['storage', 'tabs'],


Similar to the icon, the _locales directory should be placed inside the the WXT's public directory.

└─ _locales/
   ├─ en/
   │  └─ messages.json
   ├─ es/
   │  └─ messages.json
   └─ ko/
      └─ messages.json

Then you'll need to explicitly override the name and description properties in your config for them to be localized.

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    name: '__MSG_extName__',
    description: '__MSG_extDescription__',
    default_locale: 'en',

See the official localization examples for more details:

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Per-Manifest Version Config

WXT applies several transformations to your manifest to simplify managing both MV2 and MV3 keys in your wxt.config.ts file:

  1. Top level MV2-only or MV3-only keys are stripped from the final manifest when targeting the other manifest version
  2. Some keys, are automatically converted between versions when possible:
    • Define web_accessible_resources in it's MV3 style and it will be converted to the MV2 style automatically
    • action will automatically be converted to browser_action for MV3. To use page_action instead, add both action and page_action entries to your manifest

For example, a wxt.config.ts file that looks like this:

import { defineConfig } from 'wxt';

export default defineConfig({
  mainfest: {
    action: {
      default_title: 'Some Title',
    web_accessible_resources: [
        matches: ['*://**'],
        resources: ['icon/*.png'],

Will be output differently for each manifest version:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  // ...
  "browser_action": {
    "default_title": "Some Title"
  "web_accessible_resources": ["icon/*.png"]
  "manifest_version": 3,
  // ...
  "action": {
    "default_title": "Some Title"
  "web_accessible_resources": [
      "matches": ["*://**"],
      "resources": ["icon/*.png"]


If this isn't enough control for your use-case, remember you can use a function for the manifest key and generate it however you'd like, or you can use the build:manifestGenerated hook to apply additional transformations.

Per-Browser Configuration

The manifest field can be a function. If you are building and extension for multiple browsers, and need to modify the manifest per browser, using a function instead of an object is very useful.

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: ({ browser, manifestVersion, mode, command }) => {
    return {
      // Your manifest


The first argument is of type ConfigEnv. See the API reference for info about each property.

For example, say you use OAuth, and you need to provide a different oauth.client_id for each browser:

const clientIds = {
  chrome: '<your-chrome-client-id>',
  edge: '<your-edge-client-id>',
  firefox: '<your-firefox-client-id>',
  opera: '<your-opera-client-id>',

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: ({ browser }) => ({
    oauth: {
      client_id: clientIds[browser],
      scopes: [
        // ...