Welcome to WXT!
WXT is a modern, open-source framework for building web extensions. Inspired by Nuxt, its goals are to:
- Provide an awesome DX
- Provide first-class support for all major browsers
Check out the comparison to see how WXT compares to other tools for building web extensions.
These docs assume you have a basic knowledge of how web extensions are structured and how you access the extension APIs.
New to extension development?
If you have never written an extension before, follow Chrome's Hello World tutorial to first create an extension without WXT, then come back here.
You should also be aware of Chrome's extension docs and Mozilla's extension docs. WXT does not change how you use the extension APIs, and you'll need to refer to these docs often when using specific APIs.
Alright, got a basic understanding of how web extensions are structured? Do you know how to access the extension APIs? Then continue to the Installation page to create your first WXT extension.