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Unit Testing


WXT provides first class support for Vitest for unit testing:

// vitest.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config';
import { WxtVitest } from 'wxt/testing';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [WxtVitest()],

This plugin does several things:

  • Polyfills the extension API, browser, with an in-memory implementation using @webext-core/fake-browser
  • Adds all vite config or plugins in wxt.config.ts
  • Configures auto-imports (if enabled)
  • Applies internal WXT vite plugins for things like bundling remote code
  • Sets up global variables provided by WXT (import.meta.env.BROWSER, import.meta.env.MANIFEST_VERSION, import.meta.env.IS_CHROME, etc)
  • Configures aliases (@/*, @@/*, etc) so imports can be resolved

Here are real projects with unit testing setup. Look at the code and tests to see how they're written.

Example Tests

This example demonstrates that you don't have to mock (used by wxt/storage) in tests - @webext-core/fake-browser implements storage in-memory so it behaves like it would in a real extension!

import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';
import { fakeBrowser } from 'wxt/testing';

const accountStorage = storage.defineItem<Account>('local:account');

async function isLoggedIn(): Promise<Account> {
  const value = await accountStorage.getValue();
  return value != null;

describe('isLoggedIn', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    // See

  it('should return true when the account exists in storage', async () => {
    const account: Account = {
      username: '...',
      preferences: {
        // ...
    await accountStorage.setValue(account);

    expect(await isLoggedIn()).toBe(true);

  it('should return false when the account does not exist in storage', async () => {
    await accountStorage.deleteValue();

    expect(await isLoggedIn()).toBe(false);

Other Testing Frameworks

To use a different framework, you will likely have to disable auto-imports, setup import aliases, manually mock the extension APIs, and setup the test environment to support all of WXT's features that you use.

It is possible to do, but will require a bit more setup. Refer to Vitest's setup for an example of how to setup a test environment: