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Project Structure

WXT follows a strict project structure. By default, it's a flat folder structure that looks like this:

📂 {rootDir}/
   📁 .output/
   📁 .wxt/
   📁 assets/
   📁 components/
   📁 composables/
   📁 entrypoints/
   📁 hooks/
   📁 modules/
   📁 public/
   📁 utils/
   📄 .env
   📄 .env.publish
   📄 app.config.ts
   📄 package.json
   📄 tsconfig.json
   📄 web-ext.config.ts
   📄 wxt.config.ts

Here's a brief summary of each of these files and directories:

  • .output/: All build artifacts will go here
  • .wxt/: Generated by WXT, it contains TS config
  • assets/: Contains all CSS, images, and other assets that should be processed by WXT
  • components/: Auto-imported by default, contains UI components
  • composables/: Auto-imported by default, contains composable functions for Vue
  • entrypoints/: Contains all the entrypoints that get bundled into your extension
  • hooks/: Auto-imported by default, contains hooks for React and Solid
  • public/: Contains any files you want to copy into the output folder as-is, without being processed by WXT
  • utils/: Auto-imported by default, contains generic utilities used throughout your project
  • .env: Contains Environment Variables
  • .env.publish: Contains Environment Variables for publishing
  • app.config.ts: Contains Runtime Config
  • package.json: The standard file used by your package manager
  • tsconfig.json: Config telling TypeScript how to behave
  • web-ext.config.ts: Configure Browser Startup
  • wxt.config.ts: The main config file for WXT projects

Adding a src/ Directory

Many developers like having a src/ directory to separate source code from configuration files. You can enable it inside the wxt.config.ts file:

// wxt.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
  srcDir: 'src',

After enabling it, your project structure should look like this:

📂 {rootDir}/
📁 .output/
📁 .wxt/
📂 src/
   📁 assets/
   📁 components/
   📁 composables/
   📁 entrypoints/
   📁 hooks/
   📁 modules/
   📁 public/
   📁 utils/
   📄 app.config.ts
📄 .env
📄 .env.publish
📄 package.json
📄 tsconfig.json
📄 web-ext.config.ts
📄 wxt.config.ts

Customizing Other Directories

You can configure the following directories:

// wxt.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
  // Relative to project root
  srcDir: "src",             // default: "."
  outDir: "dist",            // default: ".output"

  // Relative to srcDir
  entrypointsDir: "entries", // default: "entrypoints"
  modulesDir: "wxt-modules", // default: "modules"
  publicDir: "static",       // default: "public"

You can use absolute or relative paths.