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In WXT, there is no manifest.json file in your source code. Instead, WXT generates it during the build process based off files in your project.

Manifest Config

To manually add a property to the manifest.json output during builds, use the manifest config inside wxt.config.ts:

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    // Put manual changes here

You can also define the manifest as a function, and use JS to generate it based on the target browser, mode, and more.

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: ({ browser, manifestVersion, mode, command }) => {
    return {
      // ...

MV2 and MV3 Compatibility

When adding properties to the manifest, always define the property in it's MV3 format when possible. When targeting MV2, WXT will automatically convert these properties to their MV2 format.

For example, for this config:

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    action: {
      default_title: 'Some Title',
    web_accessible_resources: [
        matches: ['*://**'],
        resources: ['icon/*.png'],

WXT will generate the following manifests:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  // ...
  "browser_action": {
    "default_title": "Some Title"
  "web_accessible_resources": ["icon/*.png"]
  "manifest_version": 3,
  // ...
  "action": {
    "default_title": "Some Title"
  "web_accessible_resources": [
      "matches": ["*://**"],
      "resources": ["icon/*.png"]

You can also specify properties specific to a single manifest version, and they will be stripped out when targeting the other manifest version.


Chrome Docs

If not provided via the manifest config, the manifest's name property defaults to your package.json's name property.

Version and Version Name

Chrome Docs

Your extension's version and version_name is based on the version from your package.json.

  • version_name is the exact string listed
  • version is the string cleaned up, with any invalid suffixes removed


// package.json
  "version": "1.3.0-alpha2"
// .output/<target>/manifest.json
  "version": "1.3.0",
  "version_name": "1.3.0-alpha2"

If a version is not present in your package.json, it defaults to "0.0.0".


WXT automatically discovers your extension's icon by looking at files in the public/ directory:

├─ icon-16.png
├─ icon-24.png
├─ icon-48.png
├─ icon-96.png
└─ icon-128.png

Specifically, if an icon must match one of these regex to be discovered:

const iconRegex = [
  /^icon-([0-9]+)\.png$/,                 // icon-16.png
  /^icon-([0-9]+)x[0-9]+\.png$/,          // icon-16x16.png
  /^icon@([0-9]+)w\.png$/,                // icon@16w.png
  /^icon@([0-9]+)h\.png$/,                // icon@16h.png
  /^icon@([0-9]+)\.png$/,                 // icon@16.png
  /^icons?[/\\]([0-9]+)\.png$/,          // icon/16.png | icons/16.png
  /^icons?[/\\]([0-9]+)x[0-9]+\.png$/,   // icon/16x16.png | icons/16x16.png

If you don't like these filename or you're migrating to WXT and don't want to rename the files, you can manually specify an icon in your manifest:

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    icons: {
      16: '/extension-icon-16.png',
      24: '/extension-icon-24.png',
      48: '/extension-icon-48.png',
      96: '/extension-icon-96.png',
      128: '/extension-icon-128.png',

Alternatively, you can use @wxt-dev/auto-icons to let WXT generate your icon at the required sizes.


Chrome docs

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    permissions: ['storage', 'tabs'],

Host Permissions

Chrome docs

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    permissions: ['storage', 'tabs'],


If you use host permissions and target both MV2 and MV3, make sure to only include the required host permissions for each version:

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: ({ manifestVersion }) => ({
    host_permissions: manifestVersion === 2 ? [...] : [...],

Default Locale

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    name: '__MSG_extName__',
    description: '__MSG_extDescription__',
    default_locale: 'en',

See I18n docs for a full guide on internationalizing your extension.


In MV2, you have two options: browser_action and page_action. In MV3, they were merged into a single action API.

By default, whenever an action is generated, WXT falls back to browser_action when targeting MV2.

Action With Popup

To generate a manifest where a UI appears after clicking the icon, just create a Popup entrypoint.

export default defineConfig({
  hooks: {
    build: {
      manifestGenerated(manifest) {
        // Update the manifest variable by reference = 'Overriden name';

If you want to use a page_action for MV2, add the following meta tag to the HTML document's head:

<meta name="manifest.type" content="page_action" />

Action Without Popup

If you want to use the activeTab permission or the browser.action.onClicked event, but don't want to show a popup:

  1. Delete the Popup entrypoint if it exists
  2. Add the action key to your manifest:
    export default defineConfig({
      manifest: {
        action: {},

Same as an action with a popup, WXT will fallback on using browser_action for MV2. To use a page_action instead, add that key as well:

export default defineConfig({
  manifest: {
    action: {},
    page_action: {},