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Lets compare the features of WXT vs Plasmo (another framework) and CRXJS (a bundler plugin).


  • ✅ - Full support
  • 🟡 - Partial support
  • ❌ - No support
Supports all browsers🟡 10
MV2 Support🟡 1
MV3 Support🟡 1
Create Extension ZIPs
Create Firefox Sources ZIP
First-class TypeScript support
Entrypoint discovery22
Inline entrypoint config9
Reusable module system
Supports all frontend frameworks🟡 3
Framework specific entrypoints (like Popup.tsx)🟡 45
Automated publishing
Remote Code Bundling (Google Analytics)
Unlisted HTML Pages
Unlisted Scripts
ESM Content Scripts12
Dev Mode
.env Files
Opens browser with extension installed
HMR for UIs🟡 6
Reload HTML Files on Change🟡 7
Reload Content Scripts on Change🟡 7
Reload Background on Change🟡 7🟡 7🟡 7
Respects Content Script run_at8
Built-in Wrappers
Content Script UI11
1: Either MV2 or MV3, not both.
2: File based.
3: Only React, Vue, and Svelte.
4: .html .ts .tsx.
5: .html .ts .tsx. .vue .svelte.
6: React only.
7: Reloads entire extension.
8: ESM-style loaders run asynchronously.
9: Entrypoint options all configured in manifest.json.
10: As of v2.0.0-beta.23, but v2 stable hasn't been released yet.
11: There is no built-in wrapper around this API. However, you can still access the standard APIs via chrome/browser globals or use any 3rd party NPM package.
12: WIP, moving very slowly. Follow wxt-dev/wxt#357 for updates.