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WXT uses Vite under the hood to bundle your extension.

This page explains how to customize your project's Vite config. Refer to Vite's documentation to learn more about configuring the bundler.


In most cases, you shouldn't change Vite's build settings. WXT provides sensible defaults that output a valid extension accepted by all stores when publishing.

Change Vite Config

You can change Vite's config via the wxt.config.ts file:

// wxt.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'wxt';

export default defineConfig({
  vite: () => ({
    // Override config here, same as `defineConfig({ ... })`
    // inside vite.config.ts files

Add Vite Plugins

To add a plugin, install the NPM package and add it to the Vite config:

// wxt.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'wxt';
import VueRouter from 'unplugin-vue-router/vite';

export default defineConfig({
  vite: () => ({
    plugins: [
        /* ... */


Due to the way WXT orchestrates Vite builds, some plugins may not work as expected. For example, vite-plugin-remove-console normally only runs when you build for production (vite build). However, WXT uses a combination of dev server and builds during development, so you need to manually tell it when to run:

// wxt.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'wxt';
import removeConsole from 'vite-plugin-remove-console';

export default defineConfig({
  vite: (configEnv) => ({
      configEnv.mode === 'production'
        ? [removeConsole({ includes: ['log'] })]
        : [],

Search GitHub issues if you run into issues with a specific plugin.

If an issue doesn't exist for your plugin, open a new one.